Turn wind into energy that’s safe for all
Wind turbines are proven to be safe for people living in their vicinity. Research spanning over 20 years demonstrates that responsible wind projects do not pose any health risks to surrounding communities.
More than 20 years of research on the effects of wind turbines on human health shows that when turbines are properly constructed at setback distances approved by permitting authorities, they do not pose a health risk. [1]
In fact, studies suggest that more than 5.2 million lives could be saved from air pollution if we fully transition to renewable energy by 2050. [2] Medical experts have found that occurrences like shadow flicker have not been known to have any negative health benefits and are limited to a few hours per year. [1,3]
We understand that shadow flicker can be a worry for some, and we are committed to hearing your concerns. Explore what shadow flicker is, and how we work to manage and minimize it.