Turn wind into abundant power

Wind power serves as an abundant source of energy that supplements other power supplies. Just two hours of turbine operation can generate enough energy to power your home for an entire year.

Picture the amount of electricity that humanity uses every day. The energy generated from wind in just 24 hours could produce roughly 35x that amount — and unlike coal or oil, this resource is completely renewed every day! [1]

In many places, wind power is being seamlessly integrated into the grid to meet energy demand with no disruption — driving down the cost of overall energy bills. [2,3]

Explore how wind farms capture this incredible amount of energy and work to supplement the grid for reliable, abundant power all year round. 

Facts about wind


1 How do wind turbines work? - Rebecca J. Barthelmie. Sara C. Pryor. (n.d.). [Video]. TED-Ed. https://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-do-wind-turbines-work-rebecca-j-barthelmie-and-sara-c-pryor

2 IEA.org. (June 2023 ). How much money are European consumers saving thanks to renewables? – Renewable Energy Market Update. https://www.iea.org/reports/renewable-energy-market-update-june-2023/how-much-money-are-european-consumers-saving-thanks-to-renewables

3  Higgins, T. (2021, October). Clean Energy Will Lower Household Energy Costs. americanprogress.org. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/clean-energy-will-lower-household-energy-costs/

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